Mapas en tu WordPress: el software libre siempre gana.

A la hora de insertar un mapa en nuestra web, lo primero en que pensamos es en Google Maps. Pero ¿es eso cierto? ¿realmente es el único? ¿Y si probamos a usar otra tecnología de mapas? ¿En qué ganaríamos?

He estado experimentando con otras alternativas de mapas de software libre que tenemos a la mano, y en esta charla vengo a contarte cuáles son y por qué pueden ser mejores. Es posible que tus páginas de contacto no vuelvan a ser iguales después de escucharme.



Publicado por

Jesus Yesares

Geologist by the University of Granada, specialized in Cartography and Data Visualization in Maps (Geographic Information Systems or GIS) where I worked the first fifteen years of my career. In 2017, I discovered the WordPress Community and I decided to join my passions: WordPress, Open Data Visualization and Maps. Since then, I’ve been an active member of the Spanish WordPress community locally in my city and national-wide. Open Web, Open Data and Open Source advocate. I started making websites in 2000 as a hobby and discovering WordPress and its welcoming community became a turning point in my career. * Co-organizer of WordCamp Spain Online 2020 * Co-organizer of WordCamp Granada 2019 * Co-organizer of WordCamp Granada 2018 * Co-organizer of Meetup WordPress Granada * Member of the es_ES WP Polyglots translation team * Member of the Spanish WP marketing team * WordCamp and Seminars’ Speaker about WordPress and Data visualization in maps I participated with David Pérez in the podcast "WPGranada El Podcast", where we presented the speakers of our meetup events. In addition, we do the podcast Marketing Ninjas, where we learn from experts in different fields of online marketing with Sacra Jáimez. I work as a support technician at and I talk about WordPress and Maps in

WordCamp Chiclana 2023 is over. Check out the next edition!